Redraw: Metal Gear Solid

Em New
5 min readFeb 4, 2022


It’s 2022, and I love a January Fun-a-day project! This year I concocted for myself a Draw-this-in-your-style challenge, and redrew 31 screenshots of the iconic 1998 PSX game Metal Gear Solid.

WHY?? MGS is renowned for its cinematic shots and compositions, but the pixelation of PSX games leaves the gamer to fill in the blanks when it comes to reading expression. I am that gamer, AND I have functional drawing capability. The idea isn’t to perfectly copy each scene, as much as to emphasize what I think is being expressed.

The entirety of the project is here, for posterity’s sake. Thanks for looking, and I hope you enjoy them!

All the screens to the left are the work and property of Konami, and my redraws are all on the right. My personal top 5 are captioned with a “^^^”.


Thanks again!



Em New

Illustrator — BKN — Watching the story unfold — Drawing only what I see.